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MA Literature Degree Requirements


MA Literature Degree Requirements

___Complete coursework requirements for Major:

___Literary Scholarship (5301)
___Medieval Literature (5353)
___Renaissance Literature (5354)


Many courses can potentially fulfill the requirements below. Consult with Dr. Rosenberg.

___British Literature (post-Renaissance)

___American Literature

___English (i.e. any in English) Literature after 1660


___Complete 6 hours of coursework requirements for Minor/Area of Emphasis/Cognate. Include course department and number. [The minor can be within Literature, within English Studies (MARC or MATC), or from another department entirely (see Graduate College Minors:

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___Complete Thesis Credits (start discussion of this with Dr. Rosenberg in second semester of program)

 [official Thesis deadlines can be found at:]


___Consult with graduate advisor
___Obtain commitment of Thesis advisor
___Enroll in 5399A by emailing Dr. Flore Chevaillier
___Complete Thesis proposal

___ Establish Thesis committee

___Submit proposal and Thesis Proposal Form for approval by the Program Director Dr. Teya Rosenberg

___Enroll in 5399B by emailing Dr. Flore Chevaillier

___Submit complete draft of Thesis to committee by agreed upon deadline
___Conduct Thesis defense with committee (date, time, and room reservation arranged by committee and student)

___Submit a copy of your Thesis to the Graduate College with a signed Thesis Submission Form. Details can be found in the Graduate College's Thesis and Dissertation Resource Guides. 


___Complete both parts of Comprehensive Examination:

___General Examination (all MA Lit students take this exam in the penultimate semester; 4 hours; written; offered the first Saturday in February, June, and October)

___Thesis Defense (oral; completed by deadlines found here: